The Garden Route, located along the south-western coast of South Africa, is known for its breathtaking scenery, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. This area has become a popular tourist destination for both local and international travellers due to its unique attractions and experiences.

The Great Garden Route area spans approximately 300km from Mossel Bay in the Western Cape to Storms River in the Eastern Cape. The route includes a variety of towns and cities, each with its own charm and character. Popular destinations along the route include George, Knysna, Plettenberg Bay, and Tsitsikamma National Park.

One of the main draws of the Garden Route is its natural beauty. The area boasts a stunning coastline, pristine beaches, and lush forests. Visitors can take in the sights on scenic drives along the coastline or hiking trails through the forests. Wildlife enthusiasts can also enjoy game drives and safaris in several game reserves and national parks in the area.

The Garden Route also has a rich cultural heritage that is reflected in its many museums, galleries, and historic sites. One example is the Diaz Museum in Mossel Bay, which celebrates the first recorded landing of European explorers in South Africa. The Outeniqua Transport Museum in George is another popular destination, showcasing the history of transport in the area.

The region is also known for its excellent food and wine, with many restaurants offering fresh seafood, local produce, and award-winning wines. Visitors can also take part in wine tastings and vineyard tours at several wineries in the area.

The Garden Route is a destination that caters to a wide range of interests and budgets. Accommodation options range from luxury hotels to budget-friendly backpacker hostels, and activities range from adrenaline-pumping adventures like bungee jumping and shark cage diving to more relaxing pursuits like spa treatments and beach walks.

But what makes the Garden Route stand out as an internationally preferred tourism destination?

One reason is its accessibility. The Garden Route is easily accessible from major cities like Cape Town and Johannesburg, and the region has its own airport in George. This makes it an ideal destination for international travellers looking to explore more of South Africa.

Another reason is the diversity of experiences on offer. From natural wonders to cultural attractions, the Garden Route has something for everyone. It also offers a range of activities and experiences that are unique to the region, such as the Knysna Oyster Festival and the Tsitsikamma Canopy Tour.

The Garden Route is also a safe and welcoming destination, with a well-developed tourism infrastructure and a reputation for friendly locals. This has helped to attract a growing number of international visitors in recent years.

The Garden Route is a unique and diverse destination that has become increasingly popular with both local and international travellers. Its natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, excellent food and wine, and range of activities and experiences make it an ideal destination for those looking to explore more of South Africa. With its growing reputation as an internationally preferred tourism destination, the Garden Route is set to continue attracting visitors from around the world.

As a professional host with many years of experience in the vacation rental industry, I have worked with various booking platforms, including Airbnb and Bookings. While both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, I believe that Airbnb should be the preferred platform for hosts. In this article, I will explain why.

  1. Airbnb offers a better user experience for both hosts and guests

Airbnb has always been focused on creating a user-friendly platform that makes it easy for hosts and guests to communicate and book accommodations. The website and app are both intuitive and easy to navigate, and the booking process is straightforward. Additionally, Airbnb’s messaging system makes it easy for hosts to communicate with guests before and during their stay.

  1. Airbnb offers better payment options

One of the biggest advantages of Airbnb over Bookings is its payment system. Airbnb handles all payments and transactions, which means that hosts don’t have to worry about collecting payment or dealing with chargebacks. Additionally, Airbnb’s payment system is secure and reliable, which gives hosts peace of mind.

  1. Airbnb has a larger and more engaged community

Airbnb has a massive community of hosts and guests, with millions of people using the platform worldwide. This means that hosts have a larger potential audience and are more likely to get bookings. Additionally, Airbnb’s community is highly engaged, with many hosts and guests leaving reviews and ratings, which can help hosts improve their listing and attract more bookings.

  1. Airbnb offers better support for hosts

Airbnb has a dedicated support team that is available 24/7 to help hosts with any issues or questions they may have. Additionally, Airbnb offers a variety of resources for hosts, including guides and tutorials on how to improve their listing and attract more bookings.

  1. Airbnb offers more customisation options

Airbnb allows hosts to customise their listings in a way that Bookings does not. Hosts can add their own personal touch to their listing, including photos, descriptions, and amenities. Additionally, Airbnb allows hosts to set their own prices, which gives them more control over their income.

In conclusion, while both Airbnb and Bookings have their strengths and weaknesses, I believe that Airbnb should be the preferred platform for hosts. Airbnb offers a better user experience, better payment options, a larger and more engaged community, better support, and more customization options. As a professional host, I have found that using Airbnb has helped me attract more bookings, improve my listings, and grow my business.

Ultraverse is happy and proud to form part of the Airbnb community in the greater Garden Route and Mosselbay..

Airbnb community leaders are expected to be ambassadors for the Airbnb platform, promoting positive interactions and experiences between hosts and guests. They are responsible for organizing events, sharing information about the platform, and providing support to hosts and guests in their community.

Specifically, some of the responsibilities of an Airbnb community leader include:

  1. Hosting events: Community leaders are expected to organize events that bring together hosts and guests in their local area. This can include meetups, networking events, and educational sessions.
  2. Sharing information: Community leaders should be knowledgeable about the Airbnb platform and be able to share information about best practices, policies, and other relevant information with hosts and guests.
  3. Providing support: Community leaders should be available to offer support and answer questions from hosts and guests. This can include helping hosts navigate the platform, providing tips on hosting, and troubleshooting any issues that may arise.
  4. Fostering positive interactions: Community leaders are expected to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages positive interactions between hosts and guests.
  5. Representing Airbnb: Community leaders are expected to represent Airbnb in a positive light and follow the company’s policies and guidelines.

Overall, Airbnb community leaders play an important role in building and maintaining a strong community of hosts and guests.

We invite tyou to join us on this journey of collaboration, fun and enjoyment while growing our community.

In recent years, short-term rentals have become a popular option for travellers looking for an alternative to hotels. Platforms like Facebook and other social media sites have made it easy for homeowners to advertise their homes as short-term rentals. However, with the ease of advertising on these platforms comes a potential risk for homeowners. In this article, we will explore the risks of advertising on social media platforms for short-term rentals and why vetting and references are crucial for a successful and safe rental experience.

The Risks of Advertising on Social Media Platforms

One of the main risks of advertising on social media platforms is the lack of accountability. Unlike established short-term rental platforms that offer some level of protection for both hosts and guests, social media platforms do not offer any form of insurance or protection. This means that hosts are responsible for any damage or issues that may arise during a guest’s stay.

Another risk of advertising on social media platforms is the potential for fraud. Scammers often use social media to advertise fake short-term rentals and scam unsuspecting travellers out of their money. Without proper vetting, homeowners may unknowingly rent their homes to fraudulent guests.

The Importance of Vetting and References

To mitigate these risks, it’s important for homeowners to properly vet potential guests. This includes checking references, reading reviews from previous hosts, and verifying their identity. These steps may seem time-consuming, but they can save homeowners a lot of headache and financial loss in the long run.

Reviews from previous hosts are especially important, as they offer insight into a guest’s behaviour and level of respect for the property. If a guest has a history of causing damage or breaking house rules, it’s best to avoid renting to them.

Why a Professional and Hands-On Approach is Best

While social media platforms may seem like an easy way to advertise short-term rentals, a professional and hands-on approach is often the best option. Hiring a property manager or using an established short-term rental platform can provide peace of mind for homeowners. These options often offer insurance, 24/7 support, and vetting services to ensure the safety and security of the rental property.

In addition, a professional property manager can handle all aspects of the rental process, from advertising to cleaning and maintenance. This allows homeowners to sit back and relax, knowing that their property is in good hands.


While social media platforms offer an easy way to advertise short-term rentals, they also come with potential risks. Proper vetting and reference checks are crucial to ensure a successful and safe rental experience. For homeowners looking for a hands-off approach, hiring a property manager or using an established short-term rental platform may be the best option. By taking these steps, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of short-term rentals without the added stress and potential financial loss.

John had always been a savvy investor. He had a few properties in his portfolio that he managed himself, including a Pinnacle Point Villa that he decided to turn into a short-term rental. He’d heard about the success that others had with Airbnb and decided to give it a try.

At first, things went smoothly. He had plenty of bookings and was earning a decent income. But soon enough, things started to fall apart. He realised that managing a short-term rental property was much more time-consuming than he had anticipated. He was spending hours every week managing bookings, communicating with guests, and coordinating cleaning and maintenance.

To make matters worse, John also had to deal with difficult guests. Some left the condo in a mess, while others caused damage that cost him thousands of rands to fix. It wasn’t long before John realised that he was in over his head.

After a particularly stressful guest experience, John decided that he needed to find a better way to manage his short-term rental property. He started researching professional management companies and eventually came across Ultraverse.

From the moment he reached out to Ultraverse, John knew that he was in good hands. The team was responsive, knowledgeable, and had a proven track record of success. They took the time to understand John’s goals and concerns and created a customized management plan that was tailored to his needs.

With Ultraverse on board, John was able to relax and focus on other aspects of his life. The team took care of everything from marketing his property to managing bookings, handling check-ins and check-outs, and coordinating cleaning and maintenance. John no longer had to worry about dealing with difficult guests or spending hours managing his property. Ultraverse had it all under control.

In the end, John was thrilled with the results. His properties were booked more often and at higher rates than ever before, and he was earning more income than he ever had with his self-managed property. And best of all, he had peace of mind knowing that his property was in good hands with Ultraverse.

As a property owner, you may be wondering whether to manage your short-term rental property yourself or use a professional short-term rental management company like Ultraverse. While managing your own property may seem like a good option, there are many reasons why you should consider using a professional management company.

First and foremost, using a professional short-term rental management company like Ultraverse can help maximise your rental income. We have years of experience in the industry and are well-versed in the latest pricing and occupancy trends. This means that we can optimise your rental rates and occupancy to ensure you get the highest possible return on your investment.

Additionally, managing a short-term rental property can be time-consuming and require a lot of attention to detail. As a professional management company, Ultraverse takes care of everything from marketing your property to managing bookings, handling check-ins and check-outs, and coordinating cleaning and maintenance. This means that you can focus on other aspects of your life while still reaping the benefits of short-term rental income.

Another benefit of using a professional management company like Ultraverse is the added security and peace of mind. We thoroughly screen all guests before accepting their bookings and require a security deposit to ensure the property is looked after. Additionally, our team is available 24/7 to handle any issues that may arise during a guest’s stay, from maintenance issues to emergencies.

When it comes to marketing your property, Ultraverse has a team of experts who can help showcase your property in the best possible light. We use a range of marketing techniques, including professional photography and targeted advertising, to ensure that your property stands out and attracts high-quality guests.

Finally, using Ultraverse as your host or short-term rental management company means that you can benefit from our years of experience and knowledge of the industry. We stay up to date with the latest trends and regulations, ensuring that your property is always compliant and optimised for the best possible rental income.

In conclusion, using a professional short-term rental management company like Ultraverse can help maximise your rental income, save you time and hassle, provide added security and peace of mind, and benefit from our years of experience and knowledge of the industry. If you’re considering renting out your property on a short-term basis, we would like you to contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve your rental goals.

As a professional host of short term rentals, I have seen firsthand how this type of accommodation can provide an excellent alternative to traditional long-term rental properties. In this article, I will explain why short term rentals are a great choice for landlords and property owners and why they should consider renting their properties on a short term basis especially if the appoint a host to manage it in person.

One of the biggest advantages of short term rentals is the higher rental income that can be generated. While the occupancy rate may be lower compared to long term rentals, the nightly rate charged for short term rentals is often much higher. Over time, this can lead to a significant increase in rental income, especially when properties are in high demand such as Mosselbay or the greater garden route area.

Another benefit of short term rentals is the ability to adjust the rental rates according to the market demand. This means that during high season or peak travel times, the property owner can charge a premium for the rental, which can increase the income substantially. Additionally, by offering short term rentals, landlords can take advantage of the growing trend of remote work, digital nomads and flexible travel, which can lead to longer stays and a consistent income stream.

Short term rentals also offer an opportunity for better property maintenance. As the property is frequently occupied, landlords can ensure that the property is well-maintained and any necessary repairs can be addressed quickly. This can help to avoid long-term issues, which could be expensive to fix if left unattended. Something you only find out after the tenant has left.

Furthermore, short term rentals offer a more secure option for landlords. With short term rentals, property owners have more control over who stays in their property. They can screen potential guests more carefully and may require a security deposit to ensure the property is looked after. Additionally, as guests are only staying for a short period, there is less risk of damage or wear and tear on the property.

In terms of profitability, short term rentals can offer much higher returns compared to long term rentals. This is particularly true when you factor in the potential for seasonal or peak time rate increases, which can significantly boost rental income.

One spesific factor to consider is that even though occupancy and revenue may be lower during off peak seasons and rates and revenue may be lower, this is also true for maintenance. With short term rentals no-occupation-no-cost is to the benefit of the property owner. The goal in such a case is to get maximum occupation even if at lower rates. The goal is only a third of the rent of the long term tenant as it is compared to full occupation.

Let me explain.

During the peak season, occupation is much easier and therefore the rates can then be the focus and therefore maximising rates during peaks season should be the focus. During off peak season the model is slightly different.

To take an example:

If a property is rented for only R500 per day for ten days during off peak seasons the rent may be much lower than what could be earned in a long term agreement. Let us say 10 days (30% occupation). That is only R5000 for the month. However, this is compared to full occupation rates. If the property is rented for long term at R10 000 per month the revenue per day will be less than for short term tenants. If rented at R10 000 per month that effectively means 100% occupation and at R10 000 / 30 days is R330 per day. BUT, the associated costs are also higher and the flexibility is reduced and risk is vastly increased with a longer term tenant.

Think about this carefully as this is why the other benefits of short term rentals are now becoming even better.

Other associated risks with long term tenants.

In South Africa this is a major factor as problems like non paying tenants and evictions are always in the hands of the property owner. If such a risk were to appear the benefit of earning an income not only falls away but any other benefit of perhaps renting out during peak season is lost and may even cost the property owner in damages and cancelation fees if it was rented to guests over the peak season, not to mention the legal costs.

All of the above let the other benefits become more enticing to the property owner.

The offer of greater flexibility for owners who may want to use the property themselves or sell it in the future. By renting on a short term basis, the property owner has greater flexibility to use the property themselves or sell it on the market without worrying about tenants.

In conclusion, short term rentals provide landlords and property owners with a unique and more profitable way to rent their properties. With the added benefit of greater flexibility, increased rental income, better maintenance, and greater security, short term rentals are an increasingly popular choice for property owners. As a professional host of short term rentals, I encourage landlords to consider this type of rental for their properties and experience all the benefits it has to offer.

If you’re considering investing in property in South Africa, then Pinnacle Point Golf Estate in Mossel Bay should be at the top of your list. This luxurious estate is a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike, offering a range of amenities, stunning scenery, and unbeatable investment opportunities.

Located on the coast of the Garden Route, Pinnacle Point Golf Estate is a paradise for golfers, with its championship 18-hole golf course designed by renowned architect Peter Matkovich. But golf is just one of the many attractions of this beautiful estate, which offers stunning ocean views, world-class restaurants, and luxurious spa facilities.

So why do people choose Pinnacle Point as their preferred investment when looking for property investment opportunities? Here are just a few of the reasons why:

  1. Location: Pinnacle Point Golf Estate is located in one of the most beautiful areas of South Africa, offering stunning ocean views, pristine beaches, and a range of outdoor activities, including hiking, surfing, and fishing. It’s also just a short drive away from Mossel Bay town, which offers all the amenities you could need.
  2. Luxury Amenities: Pinnacle Point Golf Estate offers a range of luxury amenities, including a clubhouse, restaurants, spa facilities, and more. This makes it an attractive destination for those looking for a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle.
  3. Security: Pinnacle Point Golf Estate is a secure estate with 24-hour security, offering residents peace of mind and a safe and secure living environment.
  4. High Investment Returns: With its prime location, luxury amenities, and growing demand for high-end properties, Pinnacle Point Golf Estate offers excellent investment opportunities with high returns on investment.
  5. Community: Pinnacle Point Golf Estate has a strong sense of community, with a range of social events and activities that bring residents together. This creates a welcoming and supportive environment, making it easy for newcomers to feel at home.

Pinnacle Point Golf Estate is an unbeatable investment opportunity in one of the most beautiful areas of South Africa. With its stunning ocean views, luxury amenities, secure living environment, and high investment returns, it’s easy to see why people choose Pinnacle Point as their preferred investment when looking for property investment opportunities. If you’re considering investing in property in South Africa, then Pinnacle Point should be at the top of your list!

Mossel Bay is a beautiful coastal town that has been attracting tourists from all over the world for many years. However, many visitors to Mossel Bay are finding that they don’t want to leave after their vacation is over. In fact, many are choosing to buy property or relocate to Mossel Bay. Here are some of the reasons why people are falling in love with this charming town and choosing to make it their home.

  1. Quality of Life: Mossel Bay offers an unbeatable quality of life, with its mild climate, beautiful surroundings, and relaxed coastal lifestyle. Whether you enjoy hiking, fishing, surfing, or simply soaking up the sun, Mossel Bay has something to offer everyone.
  2. Affordable Property Prices: Compared to other coastal towns in South Africa, Mossel Bay offers affordable property prices, making it an attractive option for those looking to invest in property or relocate to the area.
  3. Safe and Secure: Mossel Bay is a safe and secure town, with a low crime rate and friendly locals who are always happy to lend a helping hand. This makes it a great place to raise a family or retire.
  4. Strong Community: Mossel Bay has a strong sense of community, with a range of community events and activities that bring people together. This creates a welcoming and supportive environment, making it easy for newcomers to feel at home.
  5. Good Infrastructure: Mossel Bay has a good infrastructure, with excellent schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and other essential amenities. This means that residents can enjoy all the benefits of a small town lifestyle without sacrificing convenience or access to modern amenities.
  6. Growing Economy: Mossel Bay has a growing economy, with a range of business opportunities in the tourism, agriculture, and fishing industries. This makes it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking to grow their businesses and take advantage of the town’s growing economy.

Mossel Bay is a beautiful coastal town that has much to offer, making it an attractive destination for visitors and residents alike. From its unbeatable quality of life and affordable property prices to its safe and secure environment, strong community, good infrastructure, and growing economy, there are many reasons why people are choosing to buy property or relocate to Mossel Bay. If you’re considering making the move to Mossel Bay, you won’t be disappointed!